Saouma Group
synthetic inorganic chemistry for energy and catalysis
Welcome to the Saouma Group!
We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated researchers to join our group! We will be taking undergrads and graduate students at Virginia Tech starting fall 2023. Post doc applicants, please email Prof. Saouma with a cover letter, CV, and research summary. In the cover letter, please indicate why you are interested in our group. We are looking to hire two post docs this summer/fall (2023). Ideal candidates have experience with air-free chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis, appending homogeneous catalysts to surfaces, and/or studies of electrostatic fields.
Jazz Bear (of the NBA Utah Jazz) visited our labs in April 2022 to present Prof. Saouma with a Most Valuable Educator (MVE) award, one of only 21 awarded for the entire state of Utah, and the only non K-12 educator to get thie recognition (out of > 4,000 nominations).
We are a synthetic inorganic chemistry group that aims to address current societal issues in energy and catalysis  Topics of current interest include the catalytic conversion of CO2 to value-added C1 chemicals/fuel precursors, and novel ligand scaffolds. We are moving to Virginia Tech (summer/fall 2023)!!!
Saouma Group Ideals 1. Set high standards for youself, and plan to do globally relevant, impactful science. 2. The strength of the group is the group. 3. Work with your labmates and peers collaboratively - always be willing to help others. 4. Don’t point the finger, point the way - minor setbacks are not an excuse to stop thinking critically about your science. 5. Take ownership of your mistakes and communicate them so that everyone has an opportunity to learn. 6. Safety is always the first priority. -- Cheryl, Fang, Kevin, and Moumita (summer 2018)